International University of Applied Sciences

Master of Arts - HR Management

Help discover the workforce of the future with our M.A. Human Resource Management.

Human Resource Managers are an important resource to every company as they manage the professional goals of a company with its employment force. They play a dual role of both representing the company while at the same time advocating for the employees. The M.A. in Human Resource Management course at IU prepares you to be a leader in this field. You will gain an in-depth understanding of human resources while having a firm grasp of key characteristics of management and business. Our aim is to make you a first-rate business leader, able to make tough decisions and implement them too. Our curriculum deepens your knowledge in recruiting, employer branding, talent management and human resources development and sharpens your profile as a human resources manager. The IU M.A. Human Resource Management will provide you with cutting-edge theory along with hands-on experiences to shape you as a future leader of global industry.

Master of HR Management

Your Degree Summed Up


Master of Science (M.Sc.) in English
Study format: 100% Online
On-campus transfer option: No 


120 ECTS option and 60 ECTS option (European Credit Transfer System). Accredited in line with German and European standards


4 semesters – 24 months – 120 ECTS option
2 semesters – 12 months – 60 ECTS option


120 ECTS – Bachelor degree – minimum 3 years 
60 ECTS – Bachelor degree – 4 years, one year experience
Previous study in HR or a business related field or proof of work knowledge 
At least overall C grade 


120 ECTS – Euros 4,512 for online degree
60 ECTS – Euros 2,988 for online degree


Not available 

Course Overview - Option 1 - 120 ECTS 4 Semesters

Human Resource Management I 5
Human Resource Management II 5
Strategic Management 5
Advanced Research Methods 5
Aspects of International Labour Law 5
Seminar: Current Issues in International Labour Law 5
Applied Statistics 5
Employer Branding and Recruiting 5
Talent Management & HR Development 5
Project: Human Resources Management 5
Leadership 5
New Work 5
People Analytics and Big Data 5
Seminar: International Human Resource Management 5
Electives B 10
Master Thesis and Colloquium 30

Electives for 120 ECTS Option

In this programme, you can choose electives in order to specialise in a field you’re interested in. Here’s a short introduction to some electives:

Globalisation, demographic changes, and digitalisation mean that diversity in organisations is constantly increasing. This makes diversity management all the more important. In this module you will learn how to tap into and use the diversity of individual competences, characteristics, attitudes and cultural backgrounds of employees by means of various methods and concepts for the success of the organisation. The focus is on recognising and respecting differences in all their forms, such as origin, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, etc., in order to develop the ability to understand, engage and integrate people with different backgrounds and world views.


The module focuses on biohacking—a new approach to optimising health and output. You get an overview of how biohacking can contribute to these factors as well as empirically supported results on the influence of diet, exercise, sleep, and light on health and performance. You will learn both how to apply these to your own life and how to advise clients and colleagues.


Course Overview - Option 2 - 60 ECTS 2 Semesters

Human Resource Management I 5
Human Resource Management II 5
Employer Branding and Recruiting 5
Talent Management & HR Development 5
People Analytics and Big Data 5
Advanced Research Methods 5
Seminar: International Human Resource Management 5
Electives A 10
Master Thesis & Colloquium 15

Electives for 60 ECTS Option

In this programme, you can choose electives in order to specialise in a field you’re interested in. Here’s a short introduction to some electives:

Globalisation, demographic changes, and digitalisation mean that diversity in organisations is constantly increasing. This makes diversity management all the more important. In this module you will learn how to tap into and use the diversity of individual competences, characteristics, attitudes and cultural backgrounds of employees by means of various methods and concepts for the success of the organisation. The focus is on recognising and respecting differences in all their forms, such as origin, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, etc., in order to develop the ability to understand, engage and integrate people with different backgrounds and world views.


The module focuses on biohacking—a new approach to optimising health and output. You get an overview of how biohacking can contribute to these factors as well as empirically supported results on the influence of diet, exercise, sleep, and light on health and performance. You will learn both how to apply these to your own life and how to advise clients and colleagues.


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