Xivraiz Ayaz

Xivraiz Ayaz graduated with the USQ Bachelor of Business Administration award on 27 November 2015.
This is what he had to say about the program:
“MDi proved to be a chisel which carved the rough edges of a shy young lad and made him into polished young professional. Although MDi is modest sized with fewer students compared to our large universities, this proved to be the ideal place to learn. MDi helped me realize my potential, whether be it being a creative or a public speaker; MDi always gave me that push to go up that stage and show the world my capabilities. The teachers, mentors and management always welcomed me with open arms for ideas and did all that they could to enhance my creative and professional abilities. They pushed me screaming from behind saying ‘You can do it don’t worry just keep on pedaling’, yet after a while when I looked back, I was all set to take on this world. Now, I take all the love, smiles, relationships and amazing moments; pack them in my bag (hoping I could fit them all) and bid farewell wishing everyone who was a part of my journey at MDi all the success and happiness in the world. Thank you for all you did for me. MDi will always have a special place in my heart.”