Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation

Certification in HR Management

The certificate program considers the contribution that HRM can make to organizational objectives, effectiveness and performance. The scope of the learning covers the various activities of HRM and also the study and evaluation of theories, tools and concepts related to HR strategies. The course will also cover emerging trends of HR in a globalized marketplace.

100% online, 8 weeks duration

Fee – USD 250 or PKR equivalent

Jointly awarded by Management Development Institute (MDi), Pakistan and Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU), Malaysia

Course Overview

  • Understand the role of HRM in organizations
  • Understand best practices of HRM
  • Explain the relationship between strategic HRM planning and operational HRM
  • Appreciate the importance of HR planning
  • Understand the basic approach to HR planning (HRP)
  • Describe the ways of forecasting HR requirements
  • Understand the requirements for effective HR planning
  • Explain what is meant by job analysis and design
  • Understand the uses of job analysis
  • Describe the content and format of a job description and specification
  • Discuss the collection of job analysis data
  • Explain the major job analysis techniques
  • Discuss competency profiling
  • Understand the major methods of job design
  • Discuss quality of work life, employee participation and industrial democracy
  • Evaluate uses of job evaluation
  • Examine different methodologies
  • Analytical and non-analytical schemes
  • Explain points rating and factor comparison, job ranking
  • Understand internal / external benchmarking or job matching
  • Job classification and assessing evaluation schemes
  • Describe the staffing process and issues involved
  • Describe recruitment and selection
  • Discuss the major internal and external sources of human resources
  • Explain the major recruitment methods and their advantages and disadvantages
  • Discuss the recruitment of women, people with disabilities, older workers and minorities
  • Evaluate the recruitment activity
  • Develop, analyze and apply advanced training strategies for the delivery of training
  • List training and development needs for the current century
  • Evaluate training programs using appropriate design and data collection procedure
  • Understand the importance of career planning and development
  • Identify the responsibility for career planning and development
  • Discuss the HR department’s role in career planning and development
  • Discuss some of the major factors contributing to successful career development
  • Understand the preparation desirable for a career in HRM
  • Understand Performance Appraisal tools and evaluation methods
  • Understand the conduct and process involved
  • Examine errors and problems in the evaluation system
  • Using Performance Appraisal to address workforce development challenges
  • To learn basic compensation concepts and the context of compensation practice
  • To illustrate different ways to strengthen the pay-for-performance link.
  • To learn the concepts of payment and employee benefits issues for contingent workers.
  • To understand the legally required employee benefits.
  • To learn some of the implications for strategic compensation and possible employer approaches to managing legally required benefits
  • Understand what is misconduct, types of misconduct and the impact of condonation.
  • Learn importance of having a comprehensive set of rules and procedures in handling misconduct.
  • Learn how to terminate poor performing employees and probationers.
  • Understand other forms of terminations – retrenchment, downsizing, redundancy, relocation, domestic inquiry
  • Learn how poorly handled terminations lead to financial loss, dented image of organization and impact industrial relations in the Company
Form of Assessment Description Marks Allocation
Quiz 1 1 hour Quiz (Short Answers or MCQs) 25%
Quiz 2 1 hour Quiz (Short Answers or MCQs) 25%
Individual Report 1000-1500 Word Assignment 50%

A comprehensive international HR certification program to help you become a well-rounded HR professional.

Frequently asked questions

If you haven’t found your answer from our FAQ, please send us a message.

Contact Us

Simply click on the Apply Now button in the top half of this page and complete the enrollment form and submit. You can also call or message at Whatsapp +92 300 5793366 or send us an email at and one of our staff will get back to you to assist with enrollment

No. We do not offer am installment plan as the fee is extremely reasonable and within the range of students and professionals in Pakistan

You can transfer the fee via direct bank transfer. You will be provided the bank account details on registration

Yes. We offer a 20% discount when you register with at least 3 registrations via your organization or with others in your network

Yes. You will receive a joint MDi-APU certificate PDF via email.


There will be typically one session per week. Each session will be of 2.5 hours duration and generally scheduled on days and times agreed to mutually by the instructor(s) and students.

For assignments and projects, you will get project and pdf files for complete guidance.

Absolutely! You can attend this from anywhere in the world. But this is not a static self-study online course where you just go through a lot of material on your own. This course includes live, interactive lectures led by an expert trainer  in each session via Google Meet

A Bachelor degree in any discipline or equivalent. Work experience is not mandatory but preferable. You must know how to use a computer and have a decent Internet connection

There is a significant demand for HR executives and professionals in almost all kinds of organizations. This certification program will provide you with practical insights about what HR executives actually do in organizations. The important things that employers watch out for are the courses and certifications on your profile which compels them to select you from the pool of dozens and sometimes hundreds of other candidates.