Center for Project Innovation

Certified Project Officer

We’ve made our learning materials free-to-access because we believe in creating opportunities for people and making project teams a better place to be.

100% Online

Fee for Certification – USD 195 only for MDi clients

This program is offered in partnership with Center for Project Innovation (CPI) USA. CPI certifies project managers globally and works with individuals, government, private and not-for-profit organizations to facilitate best practice in project management.

Course Overview

  • Project Frameworks
  • Project Stakeholders
  • Choosing the Right Project
  • Project Communication
  • Requirements Analysis
  • Procurement
  • Managing Project Risk
  • Agile Project Management
  • Managing Project Teams
  • Leading Successful Projects
  • Managing Project Change
  • Closing Projects


Project management is the art of getting things done. Project management is a powerful tool for addressing the complex needs of today’s organizations.

  • Unlike narrowly focused fields – such as HR, marketing, finance or IT – project management brings together an array of skill sets spanning creative and critical thinking, leadership, risk, change and stakeholder management.
  • Simply put, project management provides a structured yet flexible framework for tackling a diverse range of initiatives faster, better and in a cost-efficient manner.
  • That is why project management is the most in-demand occupation in the world today.

We do not advocate the use of one specific methodology, as our experience in a wide range of global industries shows us that organizations inevitably develop and employ their own unique framework.

  • ‘Paper PMs’ are good at the rote memorization of obscure formulas and highly complex process maps that bear only a passing resemblance to how projects are delivered in the real world.
  • Using the proven good practices of PMBOK, PRINCE2, PM2, Agile, and other methods, we encourage our practitioners to think critically about what is ‘best’ practice for their own projects and operating environment.

OPEN is the Center for Project Innovation’s proprietary Online Project EducatioN platform.

  • OPEN’s instructional design intentionally leverages the new digital paradigm of microlearning. Microlearning refers to a connected series of short, focused learning nuggets – often 3-5 mins in duration – that each point at a specific learning outcome. By reducing the cognitive load on learners, it ensures that knowledge can be easily accessed (and re¬-accessed), quickly assimilated and readily applied.
  • Following a lifecycle approach, the 12 online units in OPEN – each with 10 featured topics with 2-5 microlessons – address all aspects of contemporary project management.
  • OPEN is an active learning repository, regularly reviewed and updated by our industry and academic advisory groups. Each topic is also supported by a dynamically responsive quiz. The 700+ quiz questions engage learners through multiple choice, drag-and-drop, hotspot and open math’s problems.
  • With customized feedback statements, the quizzes assist learners to link knowledge to meaning and develop higher-order thinking. Learners can therefore attempt the quizzes an unlimited number of times.
  • Learners who successfully complete all the online quizzes with a passing grade of 80% are eligible to be admitted to the Center for Project Innovation as a Certified Project Officer (CPO). This Certification is a foundation level project management Certification that can be articulated into higher skills and experience-based Certifications.
  • Those exceptional learners who attain an overall grade of 100% in the OPEN quizzes are also entered into the Center for Project Innovation’s Order of Merit.
  • OPEN is also mapped to a number of well-known and highly regarded project management methodologies, including PMBOK, PRINCE2, Agile / Scrum / Lean / Kanban, ISO 21500, PM, Extreme programming (XP), Design thinking, TQM/Six Sigma, Waterfall
  • OPEN is made available as a free, self-paced learning resource that can be studied via a traditional, linear progression. It takes the average learner 30-40 hours to progress through OPEN in this way.

There are no specific qualifications or prerequisites required to apply for the certification. The program is open to individuals from diverse backgrounds with a wide range of life and educational experiences.

The goal is to empower people from all walks of life, so there is no need for prior project management experience or formal education.

Participants are assessed through the OPEN online project management portal, which includes 12 units. Each unit contains around 10 topics, delivered through microlearning modules. Assessment is done via online quizzes, ensuring that participants can demonstrate their understanding of key concepts and skills.

Upon successful completion of all units and assessments, participants receive their certification

Center for Project Innovation Certifications validate contemporary best practices in the discipline of project management.

  • They equally respect both people and process, and do not preference any one standard, method or industry approach.
  • Instead, our Certifications evidence a highly rigorous and transferable baseline of knowledge, skills and experience that can be applied in any project context.
  • CPI Certification holders are creative and critical thinkers; they are the project leaders, problem solvers and innovators of the 21st century.

The Center for Project Innovation is internationally accredited by the US and Australian governments and their treaty partners as the official assessor and issuing authority for Certified Project Officer and other certifications.

If you have completed OPEN, just reach out to MDi at or call Whatsapp +92 300 5793366 and Certified Project Officer (CPO) certification will be arranged instantly upon receipt of your application and payment.

Lifetime certification means you do not need to pay an annual membership or subscription fee to maintain your Certification – it also means you never need to re-sit or retake an examination at that level e.g. CPO again.

Lifetime certification means you do not need to pay an annual membership or subscription fee to maintain your Certification – it also means you never need to re-sit or retake an examination at that level e.g. CPO again.