Python Beginner Course

Take your Python skills from beginner to the next level with Python projects. Ideal for those who are just starting out with coding

Starts on 14 October 2024 – 4 Weeks Duration

Fee – Rs. 20,000

This program is offered in partnership with RDUINOTRONICS, a well-known software and technology firm based in Pakistan. Their expertise includes tech consultancy, software and hardware development and training, and project development. Committed to advancing STEM education, RDUINOTRONICS provides hands-on training programs to bridge the gap between theory and practical projects.

Course Overview

Topic 01

Introduction to Python and Setting Up the Environment
• Why use Python?
• When to use Python?
• How to use Python?
• Installation of IntelliJ IDE
• Creating a project file in IntelliJ

Topic 02

Printing and Strings
• Printing “Hello, World!”
• Using the newline and tab characters
• Different printing methods and formatting
• Printing to the console
• Manual printing through code

Topic 03

Variables and Data Types
• Introduction to variables
• Data types: int, float, string
• Type conversion and casting.
• Basic methods to process data types.

Topic 04

Numeric Operators and Expressions
• Arithmetic calculations with numbers
• Operations with strings
• Writing functions for arithmetic calculations

Topic 05

Conditional Statements (if, elif, else)
• Introduction to if statements
• Comparison operators
• Logical operators (and, or)
• Using True and False in conditions
• Membership operators (in, not in)

Topic 06

Switch Case and Project Overview
• Implementing switch case in Python
• Creating a project for a school class to manage student
data (marks, grades, total marks, percentage, etc.

Topic 07

Loops – For Loop
• Introduction to for loops
• Using the range function in for loops
• Printing patterns with for loops
• Using break and continue statements in for loops

Topic 08

Nested Loops and While Loop
• Understanding nested loops
• Creating a multiplication table using nested loops
• Introduction to while loops
• Using augmented assignments with loops

Topic 09

User Input and Basic Calculator Project
• Accepting user input in Python
• Using user input in loops
• Creating a basic calculator using arithmetic calculations and functions
• Task: Calculate FSC percentage based on obtained marks, total marks, and percentage formula

Topic 10

• Introduction to functions
• Function parameters and arguments
• Returning values from functions

Topic 11

Advanced Functions and Challenge
• Implementing factorial function
• Handling invalid input using functions
• Mini challenge for students

Topic 12

• Introduction to modules in Python
• Using the web browser module
• Working with the time module (local time, Greenwich Mean Time, etc.)
• Generating random numbers with the random module

Topic 13

File Handling
• Creating a text file in Python
• Writing data to a text file
• Reading data from a text file

Topic 14

Project- Guess the number
• Creating a game to guess a random number.
• Utilizing if-else statements, for loops, while loops, and the random module
• Practice for students to reinforce their skills.

Topic 15

Project Discussion and Conclusion
• Reviewing the guess number project
• Discussing challenges faced and solutions implemented.
• Final Q&A and course wrap-up

Python – the most in-demand programming language in the world!

Frequently asked questions

If you haven’t found your answer from our FAQ, please send us a message.

Contact Us

Simply click on the Apply Now button in the top half of this page and complete the enrollment form and submit. You can also call or message at Whatsapp +92 300 5793366 or send us an email at online@mdi.com.pk and one of our staff will get back to you to assist with enrollment

No. We do not offer am installment plan as the fee is extremely reasonable and within the range of students and professionals in Pakistan

You can transfer the fee via Easypaisa or via direct bank transfer. You will be provided the Easypaisa or bank account details on registration

Yes. We offer a 10% discount when you register for a second MDi-RDUINOTRONICS program or in the case when you apply together with other applicants like a friend, relative, classmates, family, etc.

Yes. You will receive a joint MDi-RDUINOTRONICS certificate PDF via email.

There will be typically 4 sessions per week. Each session will be of 2 hours duration and generally scheduled between 3-5 pm on weekdays.

For assignments and projects, you will project and pdf files for complete guidance. There will be a short assignment at the end of every session and small projects at the end of each week.

Absolutely! You can attend this from anywhere in the world. But this is not a static self-study online course where you just go through a lot of material on your own. This course includes live, interactive lectures led by an expert trainer  in each session via Google Meet

Any one can join as long as they know how to use a computer and have a decent Internet connection

Wordpress web developers can get an entry into the IT job market and also market their skills as freelancers on sites like Upwork, Fiverr, etc .